Izdelava spletnih strani DNN
DotNetNuke DNN
DotNetNuke (DNN) je odprtokodni portal in ogrodje za upravljanje z vsebinami, ki temelji na Microsoft NET tehnologiji. DNN ponuja robustno, razširljivo in popolnoma funkcionalno ogrodje za razvoj širokega spektra poslovnih aplikacij.

DotNetNuke je sposoben ustvariti najbolj zapleten sistem za upravljanje vsebin v celoti z že vgrajenimi značilnostmi, vendar tudi administratorjem omogoča učinkovito delo z dodatki in orodji po meri. DNN module in predloge ni težko najti, kupiti ali izgraditi. Funkcionalnosti in prilagodljivosti spletne strani so neomejene.

  Lastniki spletne strani lahko na enostaven način posegajo v spletno stran brez poseganja v programsko kodo. To pomeni, da naročnik spletne strani ni odvisen od izdelovalca in s tem privarčuje pri vzdrževanju in ažuriranju le te. Ob prijavi v svojo stran dobesedno urejate tisto kar vidite in želite.

Vsebino lahko kopirate in prenašate na zelo enostaven način.

Sami dodajate rubrike, podrubrike, novičke, urejate opis strani in optimizacijo za boljšo uvrstitev v brskalnikih.

Prednost DotNetNuka je modularna zasnova, ki uporabniku omogoča postavitev modulov praktično kjerkoli. Zelo je primeren tudi za spletne trgovine, forume, bloge, galerije ipd. Poleg tega pa se v URL vrstici vsaka rubrika zaključi z ASPX kar ga posledično uvrstii višje kot ostale in s tem hitreje pridobite višjo pozicijo v brskalnikih.

DotNetNuke - bodite sami svoj gospodar do zmage

Podjetja, ki že uporabljajo Dot Net Nuke sistem
- InDyne
- Lockheed Martin
- Agrifirm Group
- American Assoc. of Museums
- American Society for Quality
- CA Mental Health Directors Assoc.
- CA School Employees Assoc.
- Certified Mngt. Accountants of Ontario
- Chemistry Industry Assoc. of Canada
- Electric Drive Transportation Assoc.
- GA Hospital Assoc.
- Health Employers Assoc. of BC
- Highlands Ranch Community Assoc.
- KY Hospital Assoc.
- Merit Contractors Assoc.
- MFA Inc,
- MI Business & Professional Assoc.
- National Automobile Dealers Assoc.
- NJ Insurance Underwriting Assoc.
- NJ Veterinary Medical Assoc.
- Rural WI Health Cooperative
- Southwest Airlines Pilots' Assoc.
- The Management Assoc.
- TX Assoc. of Business
- Compliant Pharmacy Alliance Coop
- Day Lewis Plc
- DSM Nutritional Products
- ePharma Solutions
- Garden of Life
- McKesson
- Novartis
- Pfizer
- Zone Labs
Business Services
- ADC Systems
- Affilia
- AMC Promotion
- AMEC Earth & Environmental
- Applied Engineering Solutions
- Baycrest
- Cadence
- Caleigh Systems
- Carstar Franchise Systems
- Creative Management Services
- Cross Guard
- Dowley Security Systems
- East View Cartographic
- Frontline Stores
- Fusion Productions
- Hudson Highland Group
- Inforuptcy
- Lasit
- Leading Authorities
- Lehigh Valley Economic Dev. Corp.
- Linked Business Concepts
- Malleolo & Assoc.
- MBA Focus
- Morphotrak
- NAS Recruitment Communications
- National Institutes of Health
- Navarro Research & Engineering
- Northgate Arinso
- Optimerics
- Peopleclick
- Phase IV Engineering
- Prostaff
- Sapphire Technologies
- Vitvaruservice i Stockholm AB
- WedNet
- Wyle Laboratories
- ABC Laboratories
- Australian Laboratory Services Group
- Buckman Laboratories Int'l
- Dominion Diagnostics
- Associated Builders & Contractors Services
- Benson Industries
- Cianbro Corporation
- CJMW Architecture
- Confederation Construction asbl
- Contech Construction Products
- Custom Lite
- Engineering & Inspection Services
- Frankfurt-Short-Bruza Associates
- IAP World Services
- John Wieland Homes
- JV Driver Projects
- JV Industrial
- Microdesk
- National Distribution & Contracting
- Saudi Naval Support Co.
- Simpad
- T.Baker Smith
- Walker Corp.
- Zimmerman Architectural Studios
Data Analysis
- Data Systematics Pty
- eVendor Check
- Modern Analyst Media
Digital Media
- Bluestar Digital
- HelloComputer
- Algoma University
- Allio Kinderopvang
- Alvin Community College
- AR State University
- Blackhawk Technical College
- Business Enterprise Press
- CA Community Colleges
- Cass City Public Schools
- Catalyst Learning
- Cengage Learning
- Christian Brothers High School
- Cityspan
- Clayton State University
- Conseil Scolaire Catholique Franco-Nord
- Crespi Carmelite High School
- Edgewood College
- Education Affiliates
- Environmental Resource Assoc.
- Event Network
- FL Hospital College of Health Sciences
- FL School Choice Fund
- Fort Lewis College
- Foundation Wyeth
- Free World University
- FX Initiative, LLC
- Greater Victoria School District
- Harris County Department of Education
- Harrison College
- Harvard University Health Services
- Harvard-Westlake
- Hibernia College
- Hillsborogh School District
- Hudson County Schools of Technology
- ID Digital Learning Academy
- IN University
- IN University School of Education
- Islamic University
- James Cook University
- Johns Hopkins University
- Joliet Public Schools Dist 86
- LA State University
- Lake Villa District Library
- Le Moyne College
- Leon County School Board
- Madison-Plains Local Schools
- Manhattan School of Music
- Manheim Central School District
- Merced College
- Mid-OH Educational Service Center
- Mission CISD
- MS State University
- Multi-Health Systems
- N. VA Community College
- Nassau Community College
- National University of Singapore
- Neosho County Community College
- Neuroscience Education Institute
- Niagara College
- Noordhoff Uitgevers Groningen
- Northern Lights College
- Northwestern University
- OH School for the Deaf
- Omaha Public Schools
- Online Trading Academy
- OR Institute of Technology
- Oxnard School District
- PA State Education Assoc.
- Piedmont Community College
- Progressing Your Ideas GmbH
- Project Management Institute
- Purdue University
- Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society
- Richmond Public Schools
- Rosalind Franklin University
- Sakarya University
- School District No. 62
- School District of Waukesha
- Shayne-cn.com
- Spotsylvania County Schools
- Stillwater Public Schools
- Teachers-Teachers
- The College Network
- The Religion of Basis
- The University of Auckland Business School
- Toronto District School Board
- Torrance Unified School District
- TrainingDepartment.com
- TX State University
- Ultimate Success Coaching LLC
- Union Institute & University
- UniServices
- Unity School
- University of British Columbia
- University of Buffalo
- University of CA
- University of FL
- University of HI
- University of MD
- University of MD
- University of MO
- University of Ottawa
- University of Pittsburgh
- University of South FL
- University of the Ozarks
- University of TX at El Paso
- University of Washington
- University Sains Malaysia
- UNL National Drought Mitigation Center
- Walton County Board of Education
- Wartburg College
- Wesley Theological Seminary
- Western Psychological Services
- Worldwide Interactive Network
Energy & Utilities
- Belize Electricity Limited
- Central Rural Electric Cooperative
- Energy Corp. of America
- Enstar Natural Gas Co.
- Grupo EPM
- Hallsdale-Powell Utility District
- Husky Energy
- Midcoast Water
- Nicor National
- Northwrite
- ProEnergy Services
- Sacramento Municipal Utility District
- Statt-Werk GmbH
- Tampa Bay Water
- WeRecycle
- Amateur Athletic Union
- American Athlete Project
- American Taekwondo Assoc.
- Australian Rugby Union
- CBS Studio Center
- Comcast
- Cumulus Media
- Dutch Divers Union
- G Mono Studio
- Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo
- Just Helicopters
- MediaWorks NZ
- MI High School Athletic Association
- New Northwest Broadcasters
- Premiere Radio Networks
- Pro Ski Instructors of America
- Skate Canada
- Ski Sundown
- Sports Time OH
- Warm Breeze Studios AB
- WOW Interactive
- XOS Digital
Financial Services
- Alberta Investment Management Corp.
- Alberta Treasury Branch
- Alter Domus
- AQR Capital
- Arrow High Yield Fund
- Bank of America
- BlueOrchard Finance SA
- Bradway Financial
- Broadway Bank
- Butterfield Bank
- Capmark Bank
- Cash1Loans
- CER Alliance Centre
- Ceridian
- Cherry Creek Mortgage Co.
- CIBC World Markets
- Cobalt Mortgage
- CoBiz Financial
- Community Bank & Trust
- Computer Age Management Services
- Diversified Collection Service
- Dollar Financial Group
- Edelweiss Securities
- EFG Bank SA
- Elliott Data Systems
- Emery Financial
- EnerBank USA
- Ernst & Young
- Fidelity National Information Services
- First Community Bank
- First Financial Group Of America
- First Southwest Company
- Francis David Corp.
- Global Bank Corp.
- Global Int'l
- Gramercy
- Great American Financial Resources
- Guaranty Bank & Trust
- GWN Securities Inc.
- HCC Service Company
- Healthcare Finance Group
- Heartland Payment Systems
- Homebroker
- Info Support
- Infocorp
- Innovations MJM
- Inter-American Development Bank
- Jersey Financial Services Commission
- Josef Gartner GmbH
- Kearny Federal Savings Bank
- Klohn Crippen Berger
- Kuwait International Bank
- LenderLive
- McGladrey Capital Markets
- Metavante
- Mister, Burton, Palmisano & French, LLC
- Morgan Keegan & Co.
- Motion Picture Industry Pension
- Motor Trades Assoc. of Australia
- MyStateFinancial
- National Money Mart
- National Penn Bank
- Next Tier Strategies
- NIH Federal Credit Union
- Parkview Technology
- Paymetric
- Pension Specialists
- Piggybanker Stock Company
- PROS Revenue Mngt.
- Rayshawn Technology
- RentSmart
- Rockefeller & Company
- Royal Bank of Canada
- Royal Bank of Scotland
- Royal Credit Union
- San Diego County Credit Union
- Securities Investor Protection Corp.
- Seguros LAFISE
- Soberman
- Standard Bank Investor Services
- Statewide Superannuation
- Stearns Lending
- SunGard Public Sector
- TDA Trust
- Think Finance
- TIB Bank
- Turns Financing Services
- Umpqua Bank
- Unie Services
- Unique Underwriters
- United Benefit Advisors
- VA Credit Union
- VisaNow
- Volksbank
- Vusion
- Westminster Savings Credit Union
- Wizvision
- ZenTrader, LLC.
Government: National
- AG's Dept. of S. Australia
- Australian Dept. of Climate Change
- Center for Domestic Preparedness
- Corp. of National Community Service
- Customs Netherlands
- Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
- Fundación para la Innovación Agraria
- Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas
- Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry
- Ministry of Community Development
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- Ordre des Denturologistes
- Public Works Government Services
- Public Works Government Services
- State of NY Dept. of Economic Dev.
- U.S. Air Force
- U.S. Army
- U.S. Dept. of Defense
- U.S. Geological Survey
- U.S. Navy
- United Nations
- United States Office of Personnel Mngt.
Government: State/Local
- 13th Judicial Circuit Court
- Ada County
- Alberta Justice Court Services
- Brevard County Sheriff's Office
- Broward County Health Department
- Brunswick County
- Burdekin Shire Council
- Cancer Institute NSW
- Central AR Project
- Chatham County
- City & County of Denver
- City of Asheville
- City of Atlanta
- City of Baltimore
- City of Brantford
- City of Brea
- City of Casper
- City of Cleveland Public Library
- City of Clovis
- City of Conyers
- City of Danville
- City of Fort Saskatchewan
- City of Independence
- City of Los Angeles
- City of Monterey
- City of Salem
- City of Salt Lake City
- City of San Antonio
- City of Santa Cruz
- City of Sunnyvale
- City of Westminster
- City of Wilmington
- City of Zurich
- Council of State & Territorial Epidemiologists
- County of Adams
- County of Butte
- County of Geauga
- County of Santa Cruz
- Denton County TX
- District of Sechelt
- FireTCG
- Forestry SA
- Galway City Council
- Genesee County Community Mental Health
- Gila County
- Horry County
- ID National Laboratory
- Ingham County
- Lancaster County 911
- Leon County BOCC
- Loudoun County Government
- Madison County Emergency Mngt.
- Metro Nashville
- Mid-America Regional Council
- Monroe County Government
- Municipality of Greenstone
- Navajo Nation Information Technology
- NY State Environmental Facilities Corp.
- Oconee County
- Orange County FL
- Orange County Rescue Mission
- Richland County
- Rowan County
- SA Société Wallonne du Logement
- San Bernardino County
- Shoalhaven City Council
- Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council
- St. Louis County
- St. Louis County Planning
- State of AK Commission on Post Secondary Edu.
- State of AZ Supreme Court
- State of CA CIO
- State of CA CSD
- State of CA Dept. of Corrections
- State of CA Dept. of Fish & Game
- State of CA Dept. of General Service
- State of CA, Office of Systems Integration
- State of IA Dept. of Natural Resources
- State of IA Dept. of Public Health
- State of MD Attorney General
- State of MD State Police
- State of NC Dept. of Commerce
- State of NC Wildlife Resources Commission
- State of OH Dept. of Admin. Svs.
- State of OH Dept. of Taxation
- State of OK
- State of OK State Supreme Court
- State of SC Dept. of Revenue
- State of TX Dept. of Agriculture
- State of TX Health & Human Services Commission
- State of VA
- State of VA Dept. of Corrections
- State of VA Dept. of Environmental Quality
- State of VA, Gloucester County
- State of WA Dept. of Health
- State of WA State Migrant Council
- State of Washington
- State of WV Offices of the Insurance Commission
- Suffolk County Gov
- Tauranga City Council
- The County of Oxford
- Tuscaloosa County
- Union County NC
- Wasatch County, UT
- Williamson County
- Abramson Family Cancer Research Inst.
- Advantica Eyecare
- American Society of Clinical Oncology
- Androscoggin Home Care & Hospice
- Ascension Health
- Ashford Presbyterian Community Hospital
- Aurora Health Care
- Avenue-e Health Strategies
- Baptist Health System
- Boon Chapman
- Cleveland Clinic
- Consult A Doctor
- Denver Health
- DiagnosisONE
- Dr Foster Intelligence
- El Camino Hospital
- Fairview Range Regional Health Services
- Genesys PHO
- Griffin Hospital
- HCR ManorCare
- Healthways
- Healthwise Communities
- Hospital Services Corporation
- Humana Military Health Services
- Hyphen Digital
- Jobson Healthcare Information
- JPS Health Network
- Kalamazoo Community Mental Health
- King's Daughters Medical Center
- L&A Projets Informatiques
- Leprechaun
- Lighthouse Health
- MD Online Solutions
- Medicus
- Medisch Centrum Alkmaar
- Memorial Healthcare System
- MMIC Health IT
- Molina Healthcare
- Murrays Healthcare
- North KS City Hospital
- Northern Health
- Novant Health
- NSCI Group
- Oracle Health Sciences User Group
- Paris Orthotics
- Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust
- Procure Treatment Centers
- Radia Inc.
- Samaritan Hospice
- SDS Pathology
- Select Medical Corp.
- Silversalud
- SNAPforSeniors
- Springfield Clinic
- St. Andrew's Healthcare
- St. Rita's Medical
- State of MO Dept. of Mental Health
- Stein Hospice Service
- Swiss Medical Group
- Swisslog Healthcare Solutions
- Total Family Care
- Tufts Medical Center
- Virtual Radiologic
- Visiting Nurse Association of CO
- WKS Inc.
- ZirMed
- Access Insurance
- American Assoc. of Insurance Services
- Amerilife Group
- Aon
- April Technologies
- Auto-Owners Insurance
- Automobile Protection Corporation
- Aviva
- AXIS Capital
- Brahma Holdings
- Broker Direct
- City Moves Ltd
- Club Assist Canada
- Concept Building Solutions
- Cover-More Travel Insurance
- Direct Edge
- EFG Companies
- Employee Benefits Corp.
- Employee Health Insurance Mngt.
- Everest Global Services
- GM Southwest
- Great-West Life & Annuity
- Groupama PJ
- GWC Warranty Corp.
- Hyatt Legal Plans
- ICICI Prudential Life Insurance
- Jelf Group
- Kaiser Permanente
- Kelly & Associates Insurance Group
- Markel International Insurance
- Marsh & McLennan Companies
- Max Bupa Health Insurance
- ME Employers' Mutual Insurance Co.
- MMG Insurance Co.
- Mueller Services
- NY Life
- OK Municipal Assurance Group
- Pearl Companies
- Police Health Ltd.
- Portage Mutual Ins. Co.
- Pramerica
- Ryan Specialty Group
- Wiltshire Friendly Society
- Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd
- Law Office of Douglas Johnson
- Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky Popeo PC
- My Legal.com
- PAAS National Inc.
- Amsted Rail Company
- BAE Systems
- BioBehavioral Diagnostics Co.
- Bivar
- Bose
- Brack Electronics AG
- Brooks Instrument
- CES Group
- CG Power Systems Belgium NV
- Chrysler
- Codan Ltd.
- Colder Products
- CUI Inc.
- Dannon Corp.
- Dart Container
- Delphi Corp.
- Dorner Mfg Corp.
- Finisar Corp.
- FORCE America
- Gerber Technology
- Glacier Water
- Glidewell Laboratories
- Heart of GA Metal Crafters
- HI Coffee Co.
- HP
- Instron
- Irving Oil Commercial G.P.
- Kimber Mfg.
- Kimray
- Kingston Technology Co.
- L-1 Identity Solutions
- Lauren International
- Lincoln Industrial
- Lion Copolymer
- Logical Advantage
- Mad Catz
- Mitsubishi Electric Automotive
- Moore Industries
- Mytrak Health System
- Nordyne
- Norpac Foods
- Novus International
- OnCore Manufacturing
- Oxiteno
- Panasonic Avionics Corp.
- Philips Teletrol
- Plastic Card Factory
- Pregis Corp.
- Prestolite Performance
- Printpack
- PT. Primus Indonesia
- Pure Systems Ltd
- Quantum Clean
- Reddy Ice Holdings
- Rural Chemical Industries
- Salt Solutions
- Samsung
- SatGroup Companies
- Scentsy
- Shanghai Fineway Ltd.
- Stanley Black & Decker
- SupremeX
- Thompson Creek Window
- Trek Bicycle Corp.
- TX Instruments
- United Sugars Corp.
- Venmar CES Inc.
- Verathon
- WaterFurnace Int'l
- Western Forest Products
- Whirlpool
- Xerox Limited
- Abstracts
- Ad Results Inc
- Allegra Network
- Arch Street Communications
- Comag Marketing Group
- Compresso AG
- Crispin Porter & Bogusky
- DigiKnow
- Ferolie Corporation
- Flash Point Communications
- FUEL Advertising
- Gannett Digital
- GfK Group
- Ignite Design & Advertising Corp.
- iJobs. Inc.
- Jena Communications
- KEO Marketing
- KJA Communications Group
- MadeToOrder
- Marion, Montgomery, Inc.
- Marketforce Limited
- Marketing Group Advertising
- Mintz & Hoke Communication
- Organic, Inc.
- Phoenix Marketing Solutions
- Pipitone Group
- R2Integrated
- Race Data
- SBC Advertising
- The Shamrock Companies
- Thread Marketing Group
- Verve Partners Ltd
- Walsh Sheppard
- Wow Web Works
- AngloGold Ashanti Ltd.
- Carbones del Cerrejon
Not for Profit
- Adirondack Mountain Club
- American Institutes for Research
- American Rental Assoc.
- Amerinet Inc.
- Archdiocese of Omaha
- Asbury United Methodist Church
- Assoc. Petroleum Geologists
- Association of Washington Cities
- Association SCAM Velasquez
- Brisbane Lions AFC
- Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne
- City West Housing Trust
- Committee For Children
- Consumer Credit Counselling Service
- Cuipo LLC
- Edmonton Humane Society
- ETR Associates
- FOJP Service Corporation - IT
- Global Humanitarian Forum
- Global Inventures
- In Touch Ministries
- InnoChannel Sdn Bhd
- Inspection Logic Corp.
- International Fellowships Fund
- Interstate Comm. for Adult Offender Supervision
- JCC Chicago
- Laborers Int'l Union of N. America
- Laying the Foundation
- Livestock Health & Pest Authorities
- Logistics Mngt. Institute
- Mathematical Association of America
- Merlin Housing Society
- MO Botanical Garden
- Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
- NC Rate Bureau
- NJ State Funeral Directors Assoc.
- Northamptonshire Police
- NY State Nurses Assoc.
- Options Community Services Society
- Rick Hansen
- ShareIT.nu
- Society for Industrial & Applied Math
- Synod Inland Northwest
- The Network
- The State Bar of CA
- The Unified Communication Interoperability Forum
- theProject
- U.S. Lacrosse
- University Presbyterian Church
- Unleashing Potential
- VA Farm Bureau
- Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce
- Vista Tea Party Patriots
- Youth Advocate Programs
- ZigBee Alliance
Oil & Gas
- BP
- Craft Oil Corp.
- Kent Marketing Services
- Tenaska Power Services
- Archie Comic Publications
- Aviation Week
- Cesi Multimedia srl
- Indexx
- Johnson Publishing Co.
- Marston Book Services
- McFadden Protech
- Metroland Media Group
- Motay Graphics
- Plantyn NV
- RTOonline
- Sitcom Media S.r.l.
- The Merchandiser
- The Sun Chronicle
- Transient Identiti
- Vanden Broele
- ZOOM Editora Educacional
Real Estate
- Baywest Management Group
- Cassidy Turley
- Colliers Pinkard
- Community Management Associates
- Dutch Association of Stewards
- Emaar Properties PJSC
- Grubb & Ellis
- Onboard Informatics
- Oxford Properties
- Stirling Properties
- Sun Communities
- A-M Systems, Inc.
- Abbey Carpet
- ABITS Colombia LTDA
- Adelaide Fuel Distributors
- ADP Dealer Services
- Alvaco Trading Company
- Aminorte S.A.
- Apex Energy
- ArthroCare
- Artnet
- August Schloemer GmbH
- Beaumont Tiles
- Black Diamond Brewing Co.
- Captain D's
- Coinstar
- Defender Security Company
- Delhaize Group
- Diamond Comics
- Dominos Pizza
- Dr.Schaer
- EagleRider
- Endries Int'l
- Exides
- Fabricas de Calzado Andrea
- Fleurop Interflora Nederland B.V.
- Food Lion
- Frontier Computer Corp.
- Galpin Motors
- Garaventa Enterprises
- George Little Management
- GiftCertificates.com
- Gippsland Water
- Helix Group
- IL Wholesale Cash Register
- Intelilinks
- Intertek Testing Services
- JustParts.com
- Ken Garff Automotive Group
- Kodiak Group Holdings
- Krasdale Foods
- Lesscher Softwareontwikkeling B.V.
- Lexington Int'l
- Little Caesars
- LocalUp Solutions
- MailSource
- Majestic Steel
- Market Star Corp.
- MDS / Sonae
- Middle East i.t
- Midstream Online Sdn Bhd
- MIG International Group
- Monterey Mills
- Motionwear
- MTI Tech Products
- MWI Veterinary Supply
- MyMusicTicket.com
- NE Book Company
- Pet Food Direct
- Pier 1 Imports
- PolyVision Corp.
- Pool Corp.
- Powell's Books
- Pro Sound, Inc.
- Professional Mail Services
- QBS Distribution
- R3 Global
- Razor Digital
- Ricardo.ch
- Rossmann
- Saint Gobain Building Dist.
- Sears Holdings Corp.
- Sekvens AS
- Sharon Schamber Network
- Simson Maxwell
- Sit 'n Sleep
- SiteToolSet.com
- Software Shop
- SolTech
- Spaceworld Norge AS
- Spring Branch ISD
- Starman, Inc.
- SteadyRain
- Subway
- Tastefully Simple
- Tesco.com
- The Carphone Warehouse
- The National Assoc. of College Stores (NACS)
- The Vitec Group
- The Wine Group
- Time Warner Cable
- Topco Associates
- Toshiba Information Systems
- Treble Left
- TricorBraun
- True Value Corp.
- Unistar-Sparco Computers
- Vectren Retail/Distribution
- Voyetra Turtle Beach
- Weight Watchers Int'l
- WhiteWave Foods Company
- Zallcom Pty
- Zones Inc.
Technnology: Hosting
- DSML Hosting
- Hyper Resources Interactive
- WebStores
- WeGotYourBackup
Technology: ISV
- 3i-Infotech
- Activants Pte Ltd
- Active Data Exchange
- ActivePDF
- Alexander Bräumer Software
- Antik Test AB
- Apollo Software Develop.
- Atos Origin
- Avisto Telecom
- B2Boost
- B3G
- Botcode
- BuyBook Technologies
- Camstar
- Cashflow Manager
- Cherrytec Solutions Ltd.
- CNC Software,
- Coagmentum
- Coaxis
- Cobb Information Systems
- CommonGoals Software
- Conexa
- ConnectWise
- Creative System Dynamics
- Data Innovations
- Daviker Software
- Definitive Solutions Group
- EagleView Technologies
- Elegant Software Solutions
- EMA Design Automation
- ENKON Information Systems
- ePercipio
- Expert Networking Group
- ExponSoft
- FashionSoft
- Fast Track Team
- Foretel Ltd.
- Fortuitas
- Global Logistics System Ltd.
- High Beam Systems
- Hypermedia Sp
- i2 Integration
- i2i Ltd.
- IES Group
- IMI Software
- Imperial Casualty & Indemnity Company
- IMSI Design
- Info Lab Pte Ltd
- Information Processing Corporation
- Inspector IT
- Insyres
- Ironroad IT India Pvt. Ltd.
- ITT Visual Information Solutions
- JL Systems
- JNDevelopment
- Kingland Systems
- KMS Technology
- LinkEdge Tech.
- Mainstreet Computers
- Matchmove Games
- MBS Authority
- Medicity
- Minsoft Limited
- Minute Menu
- NEU Digital Media
- Nistech GmbH
- OEC Overseas Express
- OpenTech Alliance
- Paragonex
- Pen-Link
- Pervasive Software
- Pinnacle IT
- Portalogiks
- PowerStone Solutions
- PredictivEdge
- Prime Works Software Solutions
- Prisma Software Solutions srl
- Progeny Genealogy
- PS.Net SRL
- QCS Software Solutions
- Rareplay
- RDH2 Science
- Rock Solid Software
- Schooner Solutions
- Scope Marketing Tech. b.v.
- ScriptLogic Corp.
- Segue Technologies
- ServiceCentral Technologies
- Simple Solution Systems
- Singleton Solutions GmbH
- Snap Surveys
- Softtech ag
- soXes GmbH
- Syncrony Pty Ltd
- Tecplot
- Terrace Software
- TheDevShop
- TMA Resources
- Transpara
- Triangel Software AS
- Trihydro Corp.
- Tyler Technologies
- Tölvumiðlun hf
- V Systems
- Veros
- Versant Corp.
- Warner Connect
- Wazi Technical Solutions
- Wheelhouse Corp.
- Winhurst Technologies
- WinMill Software
- World Match
- XL Group
- Yahara Software
- Zap Technology
- Zywave Inc.
Technology: SI/VAR/MSP
- ACI, Inc.
- Aditya Birla Minacs
- Alcero
- Applied Innovations
- Chord9
- Denny Mountain Media
- Full Spectrum Software
- Getronics Solutions Sdn Bhd
- MWEB Connect Ltd
- Onetech Solution
- OPSI Srl
- Ovotek Information Technologies
- Project++
- Southpaw Software Services
- SRA International
- The TharpeRobbins Co.
- United Data Technologies
- 8x8, Inc.
- Aconet SRL
- Awalnet
- Axia NetMedia Corp.
- BaiMedia, Inc.
- Bell Aliant Regional Comm.
- Bell Canada
- BlueView, Inc.
- Calibrus
- EarthLink
- Eo Networks S.A.
- eSecuritel Holdings, LLC
- EXTEND Interactive
- Extreme Networks
- Fandotech
- Green.ch AG
- GridSmart
- Koodo Mobile
- Marshall Communications
- Motorola
- Omnigon Communications
- Pearson Australia
- Phunkey
- PK Interactive
- PowerDNN
- Prudential Information Corp.
- PT. XL Axiata Tbk
- PTP New Media
- Stour Marine
- T4G Limited
- Tata Communications
- Telstra
- Telular Corp.
- Telus Corp.
- The Telemarketing Co.
- TV Worldwide
- Verizon
- Virgin Media
- Vocalocity
- WatchCompanion
- WebHead
- XO Communication
- Aircell
- American Logistics
- Amey
- Carpatair
- China Eastern Airlines
- Data-Tronics Corp.
- Detroit Metro Airport
- Diversified Transportation
- Echo Global Logistics
- GCR & Associates
- Global Traffic Technologies
- Inspyre Solutions
- Jimmy Fikes
- Kia Canada
- Pacer International
- Port Metro Vancouver
- Public Transport Authority of Western Australia
- Resource Group
- S. Africa Dept. of Transport
- State of MA Department of Transportation
- SuperShuttle
- SuperShuttle
- TNT Post
- Trans-Trade
- ABC Turismo Espectacular
- Banjo's Tasmania Bakery Cafe
- Camp Counselors USA
- Diamond Resorts Int'l
- El Monte RV
- Exclusive Resorts
- Explorer Technologies Pty
- Golden Corral
- High Winds Casino
- Hilton Grand Vacations Co.
- Honeymoons, Inc.
- John Ascuagas Nugget Casino
- John Q. Hammons Hotels Mgmt.
- MaxGaming
- Melbourne Convention & Visitors Bureau
- NG Travel
- Orange Lake Resorts
- PuzSol
- Resort Management Company
- Sizzling Platter
- Travel/Hospitality Advantage Network
- World Wrestling Entertainment